Saturday, August 31, 2019
Court Issues Analysis Essay
In discussions regarding court system issues, most tend to forget that crimes would not happen if there were proper societal values in place and those values were enforced. Society has shifted from a culture of marriage, family values and strong familiar bonds to a culture that cultivates a staggering divorce rate, single mothers with many children born out of wedlock with little to no income. A culture that is has no patriarchal figure to lead and teach the children right from wrong aids and abets a systematic control of the poor and minorities. Instead of encouraging the pursuit of education, society encourages the pursuit of false hope and dreams through get rich quick methods that essentially remove the rights of those who chose to pursue criminal behavior. Most are imprisoned due to criminal activity and having no fatherhood figure themselves, there is no sense of value to one’s life. This loss of the father figure not living in the home, especially in the African America n and Hispanic communities, has a negative outcome not only in the community, but on society as a whole. Without the complete family unit to provide guidance, encourage the children to stay in school and avoid criminal activity, or to become a productive member of society; then our court systems will continue to provide severe punishment for minor crimes and negative social behaviors when the court should offer solutions to preventative crime and supportive services to those families whose members are involved in the vicious cycle of incarceration. Victims’ assistance programs should also support the families of the criminal, as well as the providing treatment programs and assistance to those. The majority of innovation and changes made to the court system over the past 30 years have been tested and administered in urban locales or focused on suburban jurisdictions, where a bulk of the financial resources are given due to the larger population. Rural areas tend to have much larger geographic locales, smaller populations and limited legal, social and health services to assist the general public; this can provide a challenge for rural courts. With the lack of specialized justice practitioners and service providers, rural court jurisdictions tend to work closer with the community when handing out sentencing and punishment. Research conducted by the Justice Management Institute suggests six areas where the criminal justice system needs improvement, after some review I have combined them into the four topics below. Improvement of Court Practices and Procedures for Indigent Litigants The first thing the courts need to work on is improving practices and procedures for self-represented defendants. This includes proper caseload management, administrative management techniques that are informative and efficient so that no cases or indigent defendants become ‘lost’ within the incarceration process and are given the right to due process. In order for the aforementioned to work there would have to be an upgrade to the current indigent defense services that are available to defendants. This includes public defenders that are compensated with good salaries and other support needed to manage caseloads; making them more prepared to battle for their client’s freedom instead of plea-bargaining an agreement. One change that should be made is the building of informative websites that provide information about the court system and the types of cases that are handled by jurisdiction. Providing the public with listings of case statuses and docket information can be helpful for pro bono attorney looking for clients to represent, and having detailed information and the proper forms that would be needed for a person to represent oneself in court; can help disperse the caseload. The development of performance standards and methods for supervising attorneys, assigned counsel, and court officials will ensure that courtroom behavior is ethical and in favor of the defendants. Enhanced Technology and Information Management The enhancement of technology is another area of concern regarding court administration today. Modernization of older court buildings with upgrades to newer security features, such as video cameras and weapon detection systems, can offer a greater sense of security for the public and those involved in the court process. The employment of properly trained security guards, who are rehearsed in threat assessment, will ensure that future security officers are able to handle any crisis that may occur. This includes the effective use of communication equipment, proper weapons training and new technologies that are implemented. The employing of degreed peace officers as administrative staff, who have a working knowledge of security systems and policing; that are familiar with the software used, and any hardware that is required to provide a safe court environment, ensures that security processes and procedures will be followed. Storing of information is important when building databases to control the flow of information within the court system and making sure that information is secure, obtainable and available to all jurisdictions is not only beneficial in the court process but should be a priority to ensure that the system does not become overloaded. This includes the creation and updating of all proper forms, documentation, and the incorporation of any digital media that is needed to complete the judiciary process; plus the technical support and communication infrastructure to manage all the information. Finally, the proper training for court staff on how to access all information, customer service in providing the appropriate assistance and the relaying of proper information to the public and for all justice system practitioners and service providers. Web based education is a consistent way to ensure that all court personnel receive the same standard of training in core subjects. Greater Availability of Community Programs Having readily available resources to provide those who have addiction problems or commit crimes due to addiction, such as inpatient/outpatient programs, drug court and probation programs that teach recovery and coping skills, and providing transportation vouchers to those defendants who do not own or have vehicles. Although some courts have drug courts, the establishment of a mental health court could substantially help with caseload. With qualified treatment providers and caseworkers who are educated in mental illness (with or without drug abuse training) can provide information to the court through home visits, doctor office visits, and the tracking of those individuals who are required to be on medication and in treatment programs while on probation, thus being able to use the information gathered to forecast defendants whose criminal actions are due to some sort of mental illness. Overcoming Language Barriers Providing improved court interpreter services through technology will allow for greater range of court interpreter services. Language barriers are one of the biggest issues with the illegal immigrant population. It is imperative that court system recruit interpreters who are fluent in many languages, so that those who do not have a good command of the law are able to understand what crime has been committed and the punishment for that action, why that particular action is a crime, and to ensure that they understand the court process in relation to their rights. Judges, attorneys and client representative should also be trained in several languages or be given access to a competent interpreter so that nothing can be lost in translation. Through the use of technology, such as Skype, court interpreters can instruct, educate and disseminate information so that those who do not understand will have some comprehension of the resources available to them and the sentencing/punishment that is handed down. References Robinson, M. B. (2009). Justice blind? Ideals and realities of American criminal justice (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson/Prentice Hall.
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